The Art of The Roll: From Pulp to Perfection

As you navigate your way home and pull into your driveway, the day's fatigue softens at the anticipation of ordered items waiting on your front porch. The thrill of unboxing is irresistible.
There they are, two boxes side by side – but you notice a stark contrast. The first box is battered and bruised and bears the scars of its journey: a survivor of storms, rough handling, and a testament to the tumultuous travels it endured to reach your doorstep. The second box, pristine and perfectly aligned, seems untouched by the world’s chaos. This box exudes an aura of perfection, like it was perfectly placed there without a mark to be seen.
Instinctively, you gravitate toward the pristine parcel. Its flawless exterior promised treasures within—carefully wrapped and unmarred. But why? It’s the unwritten law of first impressions – a principle that extends far beyond your doorstep.
Lee Anne Adams, Manufacturing Excellence Manager and quality manager at the Pensacola, Fla. Mill believes in the power of first impressions. “A customer’s first encounter with our product occurs either at our unloading dock or in our roll room. The visual appearance of the roll leaves a lasting impression,” she explains.
The Law of First Impressions
When a customer receives a roll of paper or pulp, the law of first impressions sets the tone for their overall satisfaction with our product. Is the packaging damage-free? Whether it’s the paper itself or the outer packaging, any signs of harm can raise concerns. Are there any tears in the stretch wrap? Dirt or debris on the roll? These factors matter.
A customer’s first encounter with our product occurs either at our unloading dock or in our roll room. The visual appearance of the roll leaves a lasting impression.
Our team also pays attention to the winding—the neatness and precision of how the roll is wound. Is there any dishing or telescoping? They also look at the core offset, ensuring it aligns perfectly. IP’s roll quality standards play a pivotal role in shaping that first impression. Meeting these expectations ensures that our customers trust our product from the very beginning.
Now think again about unboxing your purchases at your home: You gingerly opened the pristine box, reveling in the elegance of your new purchase. It was more than paper—it was a promise fulfilled. Our customers too deserve that same thrill. Their first impression of our roll goods shapes their perception. A damage-free roll, with no core offset and impeccable winding, speaks volumes.
Click here to learn more about our paper, packaging and pulp products. You can use our Contact Us form to get in touch and learn more about how our quality standards can best serve your product.