CARPA - A major recycler of paper-based materials

Our recycling operations in Spain, CARPA, play a key role in how we bring the circular economy to life in the country. Wholly owned by IP and situated on the premises of our Madrid recycled containerboard mill, the business is among the largest recyclers in the wider Madrid area, operating three waste treatment and recovery warehouses in Fuenlabrada, Vicálvaro and Toledo. 

CARPA’s main activity is to collect used paper and cardboard for recycling at our Madrid Mill in Fuenlabrada. After the material has been sorted and classified, it’s ready to be transformed into new high-quality recycled containerboard. Our box plants then convert this paper into corrugated boxes that will be used to store, transport and display everyday consumer products before users dispose of them to be recycled again.

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Get in touch

Need more information or want to collaborate with CARPA? 

Tel.: +34 91 371 65 70 

CARPA, Cartón y Papel Reciclado S.A. 
Parque Industrial "La Cantueña" 
c/ del Papel, 1 
28947 Fuenlabrada (Madrid) 